The script below no longer allows the use of number keys to select from the list. Entering the "2" key selects "1" and "2". Then it gets weirder as I click other numbers.
This script is for setting the index color of finder folder files.
set tiger to ((system attribute "sysv") ≥ 4159) -- <= 1039
tell application "Finder"
if exists Finder window 1 then -- make sure there is a window
(* use variable for window so script doesn't get confused. Use "finder window" instead of "window" so if the front window in the Finder is an info window, the clipboard, a clipping window, etc., the script will work properly. *)
set wdw to Finder window 1
if selection is not {} then
set colorchoice to (label index of item 1 in (get the selection))
set colorchoice to colorchoice + 1
set colorchoice to 1 -- no selection, default to "none"
end if
tell application "System Events"
display dialog "There is no Finder Window" buttons "OK" default button 1 giving up after 2
end tell
end if
if tiger then
set theColorList to {"1-none", "2-orange", "3-red", "4-yellow", "5-blue", "6-purple", "7-green", "8-gray"}
set theColorList to {"none", "orange", "red", "yellow", "blue", "purple", "green", "gray"}
end if
set theDefaultList to text item colorchoice of theColorList
set theChoice to (choose from list theColorList default items theDefaultList with title "Color Selection" with prompt "Option key to select entire folder.")
if (theChoice is false) then return -- "User canceled."
-- get color selected
repeat with i from 1 to count theColorList
if item i of theColorList is in theChoice then
set myLabelIndex to i - 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
tell application "Extra Suites"
set optionKeyDown to (ES option down)
end tell
if optionKeyDown then
set the label index of the front window's items to myLabelIndex
repeat with eachItem in (get selection)
set the label index of eachItem to myLabelIndex
end repeat
end if
select {} -- deselect items
end tell
Bob Poland - Fort Collins, CO