Can't seem to figure this out. If I wanted to create a 1 inch by 1 inch document in InDesign, I can manually do it. But for some reason I can't with AppleScript. I'm sure I'm missing something but can't figure it out. I've attached the code I've been testing with below... if anyone has time, can you test it and see if it works for you, or if there's some other syntax I'm missing (I'm running this on an intel macbook pro with OS 10.4.10, InDesign CS3 v5.0)?
I'm not sure why, but my clients sometimes need to set the page size small, which can even be less than an inch at times. Thanks for taking the time to look at my question!
set h to 1.5
set w to 0.05
set theMargin to "0.0in"
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set theDocument to make document
tell theDocument
tell document preferences
set facing pages to false
set pages per document to 3
end tell
tell pages's margin preferences
set top to theMargin
set left to theMargin
set bottom to theMargin
set right to theMargin
end tell
tell master spread 1's pages's margin preferences
set top to theMargin
set left to theMargin
set bottom to theMargin
set right to theMargin
end tell
tell document preferences
set page width to w
set page height to h
end tell
end tell
end tell
--> "Data is out of range"