AlbumData.xml is just a property list. So theoretically, you could use System Events property list AppleScript, CFPropertyList (C language), or make a kludge with the 'defaults' shell tool.
set f to ((path to pictures folder as text) & "iPhoto Library:AlbumData.xml")
set ppath to POSIX path of f
tell application "System Events"
set pfile to property list file ppath
set albums to property list item "List of Albums" of pfile
set total to {value} of every property list item of albums
set alist to item 1 of total
set res to {}
repeat with album in alist
set aname to |AlbumName| of album
set idnum to |AlbumId| of album
set end of res to {aname, idnum, idnum as integer}
end repeat
end tell