On 2007-14-10, at 00:08, Richard Rönnbäck wrote:
The file ID numbers look interesting, I will try to find out more and I would appreciate if you have more useful info on the subject!
Those are the inode-numbers. Also available in MetaData.osax. Here's how a mapping would work with that route:
set fid to (item 1 of (md info for "~/Desktop/xcode.txt" reporting kMDItemID))
fid's kMDItemID -- store this number
Later, get it with:
md query "kMDItemID=" & item_id in directories (path to desktop) reporting kMDItemPath
This will work even if the query directory is "/".
Uuids look very interesting but I see a potentially huge problem, in that it seems impossible to generate the same number for the same path again, which the pessimist in me can see would be needed if let's say the file etc holding the mapping pairs gets corrupted or destroyed. They will however come in very handy in another part of the project!
True. The whole idea of UUIDs is that they are unique.
Thanks for bringing up this topic -- interesting problem and the md5 solution is something I wouldn't have thought of.
Philip Aker