I'm trying to add a custom tag to an image in Aperture 2.0. I've looked all over the internet and find no examples what so ever of AS and Aperture 2.0.
I have a few guesses that produce one of two different errors - but no idea how to actually make this work. Any ideas ?
tell application "Aperture"
copy selection to theSel
repeat with curImg in theSel
class of curImg
--image version
-- make new custom tag at curImg with properties {name:"NewTag", value:"New Tag's Value"}
-- set aNewTag to make new custom tag with properties {name:"NewTag", value:"New Tag's Value"}
-- Aperture got an error: Can’t make or move that element into that container.
-- make new custom tag at end of curImg with properties {name:"NewTag", value:"New Tag's Value"}
-- make new custom tag at end of (curImg) with properties {name:"NewTag", value:"New Tag's Value"}
-- make new custom tag at end of custom tags of curImg with properties {name:"NewTag", value:"New Tag's Value"}
-- make new custom tag at end of curImg's custom tags with properties {name:"NewTag", value:"New Tag's Value"}
--Aperture got an error: Can’t make application "Aperture" into type specifier.
end repeat
end tell