set Launch3G to "July 11, 2008, 6 PM" repeat set timeToLaunch to (date Launch3G) - (current date) set WeeksToLaunch to timeToLaunch div weeks set DaysToLaunch to (timeToLaunch - WeeksToLaunch * weeks) div days set HoursToLaunch to (timeToLaunch - WeeksToLaunch * weeks - DaysToLaunch * days) div hours set MinsToLaunch to (timeToLaunch - WeeksToLaunch * weeks - DaysToLaunch * days - HoursToLaunch * hours) div minutes set SecondsToLaunch to (timeToLaunch - WeeksToLaunch * weeks - DaysToLaunch * days - HoursToLaunch * hours - MinsToLaunch * minutes) display dialog "iPhone 3G will be launched in exactly" & return & ¬ WeeksToLaunch & " weeks, " & DaysToLaunch & " days, " & HoursToLaunch & " hours, " & MinsToLaunch & " minutes, " & SecondsToLaunch & " seconds." giving up after 1 end repeat
-- Michelle -- "Liberals cannot count on conservatives being associated with corruption, incompetence or an unpopular war forever." --Rich Lowery, The National Review