Hello list
A task in my app executes a script, say the one liner below:
system info
This generates a record, each item identified by an event code.
The individual events within the record are coerced into an Objective-C dictionary which is returned to the GUI.
The GUI displays the dictionary, both keys and objects.
The displayed keys are merely the alphabetic equivalents of the event codes.
When Script Editor executes the same script it is able to resolve the same event codes into a much more human readable form.
Ideally I would like my app to be able to perform this feat for the common event codes.
So, how does Script Editor do this?
NSAppleEventDescriptor doesn't seem to have an appropriate method (but I could be blind or stupid or both).
Or does it parse the various core application and scripting addition sdefs, scriptsuites and aetes.
Any help would be appreciated.