I know why this doesn't work
tell application "Finder" bounds of every window name of every window every window whose bounds is {658, 277, 1539, 777} end tell
tell application "Finder" get bounds of every window {{658, 277, 1539, 777}, {488, 123, 1369, 623}} get name of every window {"Macintosh HD", "Applications"} get every window whose bounds = {658, 277, 1539, 777} "Finder got an error: Can’t make {658, 277, 1539, 777} into type Unicode text."
AppleScript can't convert class property in to a list. Or it doesn't know how to. But the only way I can see round this is to cycle through the windows, get the bounds and convert it to a list using some "applescript item delimiters" and a bit of "every item of". Is there a simpler way that I can't see?
Steve |