On Aug 4, 2009, at 4:31 PM, Andrew P wrote: I have a small problem. I just finished a quick app in applescript designed to open a URL on a website I go to often. I think it would look nice if my application had an icon of its own so that I could discern it from the millions of other applescript apps on my desktop. I have the icns file and everything (converted from the web pages windows icon) and its ready to be put into the application. Unfortunately, there is no option to Show package contents which is what I usually use to change apps internal files. I know you can copy icons and paste them into other apps, folders, files, etc. using the Get Info button. But that means I need another application to copy the icon from, and this is a custom icon. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!!
You can only use a .icns file with an application saved as a bundle and you need to be able to use Property List Editor to make some changes to the application bundle. The steps are ... 1. Write the application source code as an editable script file; (named "Beeper source" in this example) 2. Save to an application bundle named "Beeper", but uncheck the 'Startup Screen'; 3. Place your file named "Beeper.icns" into /Contents/Resources/; 4. Remove the file "applet.icns" from /Contents/Resources/; 5. Open the file "Info.plist" in the /Contents/ folder. In other words, double-click it and it should open in Property List Editor. 6. Change: Executable file ... applet --> Executable file ... Beeper Icon file ... applet --> Icon file ... Beeper
The first time I tried this, some years ago, I became so confused that I wrote an application in AppleScript to do the job for me. It never forgets and I don't have to remember.
It's free and you can find it at ...