On Aug 18, 2009, at 7:32 AM, Window Pen wrote:
he command in Webster MWClearPaste works with the script if I set answer to "rabbit", but not via the variable.
Pass By Variable:
If I'm sending "\"rabbit\"", how can I set change text received from user to wrap the word in quotes, then pass to Webster?
When I set up a check, I got "rabbit" from display dialog by the variable answer, but this "\"rabbit\"" would explain what that didn't work.
You don't need to wrap it in quotes; you need the quotes only when sending a string literal.
set answer to text returned of (display dialog "Look up " default answer "" with title "Webster's")
tell application "Merriam-Webster:
MWCLearPaste answer
end tell
Pass without use of set statement:
I tried to send without a set statement, but got an undefined error.
I think what he means is this:
tell application "Merriam-Webster:
MWClearPaste text returned of (display dialog "Look up " default answer "" with title "Webster's")
end tell
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