>>>>Could the OK button add an additional property to the text?
{text returned:"rabbit", button returned: "OK"}
No it doesn't work that way. The value and class of the text returned has nothing to do with the button.
>>>Is there a way to see with certainty what exactly the variable "x" contains besides a display dialogue?
Yes, open the Log window in Script Editor and place the following commands in your script after the dialog:
log answer
log class of answer
log class of "rabbit
and inside the application tell
log class of "rabbit
set answer to answer as string
log class of answer
log answer
>>>The MWClearPaste is the only command in the entire Webster's applescript dictionary.
No surprise, you could tell by the syntax of the command that the applescript implementation would be lame.
Ironic, a Dictionary application has a lame appleScript dictionary.