I have a script that copies files using the handler ...
on copyFile(fileAlias, targetAlias, newFileName)
-- fileAlias is an alias to the source file, targetAlias is an alias to the destination folder and newFileName is a string
set sourcePath to (quoted form of POSIX path of fileAlias)
set targetPath to (quoted form of (POSIX path of ((targetAlias as text) & newFileName)))
do shell script "cp -np " & sourcePath & space & targetPath
return ((targetAlias as text) & newFileName) as alias
end try
return {}
end copyFile --------------------------------------------------------------------
The man page for 'cp' indicates that the Finder Comment is not a preserved property, so I call 'copyFile' like this ...
set msgComment to (comment of msgAlias)
set newFileAlias to my copyFile(msgAlias, destinationFolder, newName)
if class of newFileAlias is alias then
set comment of newFileAlias to msgComment