... more code down to here...
tell application "Finder"
set _Today to _Sent & yymmdd & ":" as text
set found to exists folder _Today
if not found then
set new_folder to make folder at alias _Sent with properties {name:yymmdd}
set current view of new_folder's container window to list view
end if
repeat with n from 1 to the count of the theList
set _name to name of item n of theList
tell application "Finder"
set _Today to _Sent & yymmdd & ":" as text
set found to exists folder _Today
if not found then
set new_folder to make folder at alias _Sent with properties {name:yymmdd}
set current view of new_folder's container window to list view
end if
repeat with n from 1 to the count of the theList
set _name to name of item n of theList
if not (_name = "Dont_Send") then move (item n of theList) to folder _Today with replacing
end repeat
end tell
This is a part of a script (call it A.scpt). The code works when run by itself.
However, when invoked from another script via:
run script (alias "A.scpt")
it returns an error: