tell application "Mail"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {address:MainMailRecipient, subject:the_subject, content:the_content}
tell newMessage
set x to offset of TheBusinessName in the_content
set font of characters x thru (x + (count of TheBusinessName)) of content to "Helvetica Bold"
set color of characters x thru (x + (count of TheBusinessName)) of content to {56342, 2442, 607}
set y to offset of "Hour " in the_content
set the size of characters (y + 5) through ((count of the_content) - (count of EndString)) to 14
repeat with x from y to ((count of the_content) - (count of EndString))
if character x of the_content = "●" then
set color of characters x thru x of content to {56342, 2442, 607}
delay 0.01
end if
end repeat
make new to recipient with properties {address:MainMailRecipient}
repeat with themailitem in ReportCCRecepients
make new cc recipient at end of cc recipients with properties ¬
end repeat
end tell
end tell