This saves the file with the name and path just fine but it is not really a text(tab delimited) file.
It is still some kind of Excel file.
What am I doing wrong here?
set TargetFolder to "Macintosh HD:Users:omasten:Desktop:ExcelTest"
set theSaveName to (TargetFolder as text) & ":" & "FirstFile.txt"
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set OriginalSaveFormat to default save format
--Change the defalut save format
set default save format to text Mac
--set default save format to workbook normal file format
tell active sheet
save as filename theSaveName with replacing
end tell
set default save format to OriginalSaveFormat
end tell
I want to create a new file.
Then populate it with data.
They save it as a txt file.
Also the "with Replacing" doesn't appear to work all the time.
Any help would be appreciated