On May 20, 2009, at 8:07 PM, Jim Krenz wrote:
I am trying to create a script that will move to the next mailbox with unread messages, and select the first unread message. I haven't been successful (I'm still a AppleScript beginner). Here is what I have thus far. Any suggestions are welcome.
tell application "Mail" to try
tell message viewer 1 to set selected messages to {first message of beginning of (get mailbox whose unread count > 0) whose read status is false}
on error
end try
Here's something you might want to experiment with (10.5.7) ...
tell application "Mail"
set frontViewer to (message viewer 1)
set allMailboxes to mailboxes as list -- does not need open message viewer
repeat with mbox in allMailboxes
if (count messages of mbox) > 0 then
set selected mailboxes of frontViewer to {mbox}
set msg to first message of frontViewer
set selected messages of frontViewer to {msg} -- does NOT always hilite a message
display dialog (subject of msg) as text --*****************diagnostic
delay 1
end if
on error errText number errNr
"Error = " & errNr & return & errText
display dialog the result default button 2
end try
end repeat
end tell
tell application "Finder" to beep
I was surprised to find that 'set selected messages ...' does not always select something and I still cannot figure out why. I try to avoid "one liners", they often create errors. Or make errors hard to find.
Even if the message is not selected, 'msg' seems to be valid.