set firstWord to "åæçœøπxnchdgrtsjdlvmfqq12345"
set charList to characters of firstWord
repeat with i from 1 to (count items of charList)
set charID to id of (item i of charList)
if (96 < charID) and (charID < 123) then
set charID to (charID - 32)
set item i of charList to (character id charID)
else if (223 < charID) and (charID < 254) then
set charID to (charID - 32)
set item i of charList to (character id charID)
else if (255 < charID) and (charID < 376) then
if (charID mod 2) = 1 then
set charID to (charID - 1)
set item i of charList to (character id charID)
end if
end if
end repeat
set firstWord to charList as text
log firstWord