Re: AS Application
Re: AS Application
- Subject: Re: AS Application
- From: "Steffan A. Cline" <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 18:29:11 -0700
- Thread-topic: AS Application
Ok. Here it is. It's working well. If anyone has suggestions for
optimization, I'm all ears.
handle(choose file with prompt "Select a .js or .css file to be minimzed."
of type {"js", "css"} with multiple selections allowed)
on handle(filelist)
repeat with i in filelist
set i to i as alias
tell application "Finder" to set filename to the POSIX path of i
set myArray to my theSplit(filename, ".")
set ext to item (count myArray) of myArray as string
if ext is not in {"js", "css"} then
display dialog "The extension " & quoted form of ext & " is not
supported by the YUI compressor." with icon stop buttons "Damn!"
exit repeat
end if
set prefix to items 1 thru ((count myArray) - 1) of myArray
set newname to join(prefix) & "min." & ext
set myPath to POSIX path of (path to me) as text
set command to "java -jar " & (quoted form of (myPath &
"Contents/Resources/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar")) & ¬
" " & (quoted form of filename) & " -o " & (quoted form of
newname) & " --charset utf-8"
do shell script command
display dialog "The file " & (quoted form of filename) & " has
been successfully minified. " & return & return & "The saved file is called
" & (quoted form of newname) buttons "Awesome!"
on error errorMsg
display dialog "The file " & (quoted form of filename) & " could
not be minified because the following error(s) occurred:" default answer
errorMsg with icon stop buttons "Damn!"
end try
end repeat
end handle
on open filelist
end open
on theSplit(theString, theDelimiter)
-- save delimiters to restore old settings
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
-- set delimiters to delimiter to be used
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
-- create the array
set theArray to every text item of theString
-- restore the old setting
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
-- return the result
return theArray
end theSplit
on join(theArray)
set out to ""
repeat with i in theArray
set out to out & i & "."
end repeat
return out
end join
on 9/26/09 4:13 PM, Philip Aker at email@hidden wrote:
> On 2009-09-26, at 14:44:36, Steffan A. Cline wrote:
>>>> Why don't you just write the 'command" to a file to see what the cumulative
>>>> lines look like. If it looks correct, then another possibility is the
>>>> permissions of the files involved. Also, put your code in a 'try', 'on
>>>> error', 'end try' block and log any caught errors to a file.
>>> I found the error I was making and fixed it but am now playing with error
>>> trapping. I am trying to capture the result of the error so I can format it
>>> my way.
>>> set theResult to (do shell script command)
>>> This does not work. If it succeeds then it's ok. If there is an error, I can
>>> use the "on error" but the actual error is not contained within theResult.
>>> Is there a way around this?
>> Google is your friend.
>> on error errorMsg
>> do something with errorMsg
> You can also get an error number for trapped errors. So:
> try
> --doit()
> on error errs number errn
> display dialog errs & return & return & "Error code: " & (errn as text)
> default button "OK" with icon stop
> return -- the return value may be anything appropriate for your application
> end try
>> Is there a way to set a scrollable area for the output rather than a tall
>> dialog?
> You will have to move to AppleScript Objective-C and Interface Builder to
> customize dialogs.
> For 'display dialog' a cheap trick is to pad your string result with spaces
> and returns.
> Philip Aker
> echo email@hidden@nl | tr a-z@. p-za-o.@
> Democracy: Two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch.
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Steffan A. Cline
email@hidden Phoenix, Az USA
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