set JobBagName to (the clipboard as text)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" ", ".", ":", ";", "-", ",", "(", ")", "'"}
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"_"}
set JobBagName to "" & words of JobBagName
set userChoice to display dialog "Name of New Job Bag - Nouveau Dossier" default answer JobBagName buttons {"OK", "Cancel"} default button 1
set JobBagFinalName to text returned of userChoice
set destination to choose folder with prompt "Select Folder for Job Folder Creation - Destination du Nouveau Dossier"
tell application "Finder"
set TheNewJobBag to make new folder with properties {name:JobBagFinalName} at destination
make folder with properties {name:"SourcesClient_" & JobBagFinalName} at TheNewJobBag
open TheNewJobBag
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"___"}
set new to text items of newName
in my original script, why doesnt it replace the 3 _ _ _ in the above pass?
This is why we were wondering what your input looked like.
Here's what's happening in your script. All cases where those items in your list occur are replaced by "_"
In the text that results, there may be cases where there are 2 , 3 or more "_" in a row.
The next command replaces all the cases where there are 3 in a row with 1.
Where there were 5 in a row (after the word 'you') it would replace the first 3 with one, leaving you with 3 in a row.
Then your script would replace 2 in a row, with one, leaving your with three in a row in that one case.