Le 3 déc. 2010 à 18:09, Axel Luttgens a écrit : Le 3 déc. 2010 à 17:34, KOENIG Yvan a écrit : Hello
Is there a way to use AppleScript without GUIscripting to set a Finder Window's property :
Display Preview, not Icon.
Hello Yvan, For example: tell application "Finder" tell front Finder window tell its icon view options set shows icon preview to true end tell end tell end tell HTH, Axel
What a fool, how may I missed that ?
In fact I know.
I ran a script extracting the properties of a window and got :
{class:window, id:4317, name:"pour ebay", position:{171, 619}, bounds:{171, 619, 396, 1076}, index:1, zoomed:true, closeable:true, titled:true, floating:true, modal:false, resizable:false, zoomable:false, visible:true, collapsed:false}
So, I thought that as the property is not listed, it's not settable.
Glad to learn that it is.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 3 décembre 2010 18:16:22