Here's a version of using curl, I've made a small handler for it, and included the -f option which will force it to error, giving you some feedback, if you don't, then it will write out a small html file (even if you've named the output ".jpg")
I've also included a repeat to download the images within the URL you've provided as a sample, this will loop through 1 to 99 (just to make it simpler for me) and download anything that exists within that range ..
set strLocalBase to POSIX path of (path to desktop) & "ferrari/"
do shell script "mkdir -p " & strLocalBase
repeat with i from 1 to 99 -- assuming there are 100 or so images
set strImageName to "Ferrari-Enzo-0"
if i < 10 then
set strImageName to strImageName & "0" as string
end if
set strImageName to strImageName & i & ".jpg" as string
set strSourceURL to strSourceURLBase & strImageName as string
set strLocalDestination to strLocalBase & strImageName as string
curlDownload(strSourceURL, strLocalDestination)
on error errmsg
log errmsg
end try
end repeat
on curlDownload(strSourceURL, strLocalDestination)
set strQuotedURL to quoted form of strSourceURL
set strQuotedLocalDestination to quoted form of strLocalDestination
do shell script "curl -f " & strQuotedURL & " -o " & strQuotedLocalDestination
on error errmsg
error "curlDownload" & return & return & "There was an error trying to download the file, it is possible it does not exist" & return & return & " ----------------------------------------" & return & return & strQuotedURL & return & return & " ----------------------------------------" & return & return & errmsg
end try
end curlDownload