I use the script below to form the finder windows to what I want. I call it from a iKey command.
The following lines seem to have no effect.
(* setToListView -- 8/1/2003
local listSize
set listSize to false
local wdw
tell application "Finder"
if exists Finder window 1 then -- make sure there is a window to toggle
set wdw to Finder window 1
(* use variable for window so script doesn't get confused. Use "finder window" instead of "window" so if the front window in the Finder is an info window, the clipboard, a clipping window, etc., the script will work properly. *)
set the toolbar visible of wdw to false
tell wdw
set {leftSide, topSide, rightSide, bottomSide} to bounds -- get original location
if current view of wdw is not list view then
set current view to list view
end if
tell its list view options
set width of column name column to 230 -- pixels wide
set visible of column modification date column to true
set width of column modification date column to 150 --pixels wide
set visible of column creation date column to false -- hide date created column
set visible of column size column to true
set width of column size column to 90 -- pixels wide
set visible of column kind column to false -- hide kind column
set visible of column label column to false -- hide label column
set visible of column version column to false -- hide version column
set visible of column comment column to false -- hide comments column
set sort direction of column modification date column to reversed
delay 2 -- wait for key to be pressed
set index of column name column to 1 -- make this column the first one
set uses relative dates to false
my optionKeyDowntest()
set optionKeyDown to result
if optionKeyDown then
set sort column to name column
set sort direction of column name column to normal
set sort column to modification date column
set sort direction of column modification date column to reversed
end if
if not listSize then
set calculates folder sizes to false
set calculates folder sizes to true
end if
end tell
set zoomed to true -- zoom to max
set position to {leftSide, topSide} -- return to original location
set {leftSide, topSide, rightSide, bottomSide} to bounds -- get location
set bottomSide to bottomSide + 15 -- add white space at bottom
set bounds to {leftSide, topSide, rightSide, bottomSide}
end tell
end if
end tell
on optionKeyDowntest()
set modKeyDown to do shell script "/Applications/Utilities/checkModifierKeys option"
set modKeyDown to modKeyDown as integer
set modKeyDown to modKeyDown as boolean
end optionKeyDowntest
Bob Poland - Fort Collins, CO