On Feb 3, 2010, at 10:35 AM, Steve Valenti wrote: Is anyone else experiencing problems when placing a script in the script menu. This simple script should display all files in the document folder and allow you to choose one from the list. It works when run from Applescript editor but place it in the script menu and you can’t choose anything… tell application "Finder" set ListOfFiles to name of files of folder (path to documents folder) end tell set ChosenFile to (choose from list ListOfFiles with prompt "Select a File and press Choose" OK button name "Choose")
I just noticed that if you ... 1. Launch the script above from the Script menu; 2. Click on the desktop (or activate any application); 3. Click the choose window. The original code, above, works.
This suggests modifying the code as follows ...
tell application "Finder" activate -- necessary set ListOfFiles to name of files of folder (path to documents folder) end tell activate -- desirable set ChosenFile to (choose from list ListOfFiles with prompt "Select a File and press Choose" OK button name "Choose")
This code now works as expected without the user having to know any magic incantation.
Also, when you run a script via Script menu, it is AppleScript Runner (in Core Services) that actually runs the script. And AppleScript Runner is scriptable. Those of you who are interested might want to look at its dictionary.