Hi Robert and Yvan,
thank you again for your mails. Now, I am totally confused and not amused!
As I reported before, the 'first window' didn't move at all when scripted. By accident then I adressed window 2, and voilĂ , it did what it should (using 'size' and 'position' as you suggested, 'bounds' are not working).
Then, I asked for the name of window 2 and got the result I see on top of the window of the jpg-file on the screen:
tell application "System Events" get name of window 2 of application process "Preview" --> "1966_12_25_Michaelkalender.jpg" end tell
Asking for the name of window 1 I got nothing:
tell application "System Events" get name of window 1 of application process "Preview" end tell
Then, I repeated everything from the scratch starting 'Preview' with double clicking a random jpg.-file >> same result. Then, I repeated everything from the scratch starting 'Preview' with double clicking a random jpg.-file on my MacBook >> same result.
Therefore, when I use in the script the name of the window instead of the number, everything seems to be OK!
Could you tell me by chance what's all about the 'ghost' window 1 of Preview.app ?
Thanks for your patience Jobst
Am 13.01.2010 um 18:56 schrieb Robert Poland: Jobst,
I found that some applications do not accept bounds so I have to use size and position,
I am using OS 10.6.2.
On Jan 13, 2010, at 10:13 AM, Gmeiner Jobst wrote: Hi Robert,
thank you for your script. I tried already to script 'System events' but the 'first window' doesn't accept anything, size, bounds or position ?! i.e.:
tell application "System Events" to set appList to name of application processes whose frontmost is true set frontApp to item 1 of appList tell application frontApp set bounds of window 1 to {730, 1, 1630, 700} end tell
the error: number -10006 from bounds of window 1
Is this behaviour specific for Snow Leopard?
Regards Jobst
Jobst Gmeiner
Am 13.01.2010 um 15:23 schrieb Robert Poland: Jobst,
Here's a small part of a script I use. Maybe you can adapt it to your use.
set newL to 20 set newT to 22 set wd to 800 set ht to 1000 tell (do shell script "/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep Resolution") to set {newR, newB} to {word 2 as number, word 4 as number} -- get screen size for monitor
-- tell application "Finder" to set x to the displayed name of (path to frontmost application) tell application "Finder" to set x to the displayed name of (path to application "Firefox") if x contains "Firefox" then set apli to "Firefox" set rignewBoffset to 190 -- offset to the left for large screen set newR to newR - (rignewBoffset) -- 1500 set newT to 22 if newR > 1440 then -- larger monitor set newL to 593 - (rignewBoffset) -- 413 set newSize to newR - newL else -- MBP set newL to 280 set newSize to newR - newL end if end if tell application "System Events" to tell application process apli tell first window set size to {newSize, newB} set position to {newL, newT} --click button 2 end tell set frontmost to true end tell beep return
On Jan 13, 2010, at 6:03 AM, Gmeiner Jobst wrote: Hi everybody,
with OSX 10.5.8 I used the following script (which I had found somewhere in the internet)
try tell application "Finder" set the Preview_app to (application file id "com.apple.Preview") as alias end tell set the plist_filepath to the quoted form of ((POSIX path of the Preview_app) & "Contents/Info") do shell script "defaults write " & the plist_filepath & space & "NSAppleScriptEnabled -bool YES" end try
in order to make Preview.app scriptable. The reason was that I wanted to get the windows of Preview.app to a defined position on my screen with scripting.
Now, having moved to Snow Leopard, the script above doesn't work anymore, Preview.app is no longer scriptable.
Is there another possibility, either acchieving scripting Preview.app or using another programm which can open .jpg files and is scriptable, in order to put the pictures to a defined position on the screen?
Thanks for suggestions Jobst Gmeiner
Jobst Gmeiner
Bob Poland - Fort Collins, CO
Bob Poland - Fort Collins, CO