Alan, if you're formatting the message automatically in Applescript, and want to send it, it's straightforward.
This is lifted from a script I've written, and hopefully will be what you need. It also shows how to include a path to a logo which you can create and use as a header/footer in your email. If you need any part explained, let me know.
on SendABloodyTally(theLastMidnight)
set the_subject to "eMail Tally since " & year of theLastMidnight & " " & month of theLastMidnight & " " & day of theLastMidnight
set TimeAdjust to time to GMT
set Prefix to "adding "
set TimeAdjust2 to TimeAdjust
if TimeAdjust2 < 0 then
set Prefix to "subtracting "
set TimeAdjust2 to TimeAdjust * -1
end if
set TimeMessage to "Adjusted by " & Prefix & TimeAdjust2 / hours & " hours to get local time."
set TallyString to {"Computer processed data since " & theLastMidnight & "..."} & return & return & TimeMessage & return & "Hour " & return
set theLastTally to 0
repeat with x from 1 to 24
set thetemphour to item (3 + (x * 2)) of TheTally as string
set theReadingTally to item (4 + (x * 2)) of TheTally as string
set tempX to x + ((TimeAdjust / hours) div 1) - 1 as number
if tempX < 0 then set tempX to (tempX + 24)
if tempX = 0 then
set tempX to "12am" as text
if tempX = 12 then
set tempX to "12pm" as text
if tempX = 24 then
set tempX to "12am" as text
if tempX > 24 then
set tempX to (tempX - 24) & "am" as text
if tempX > 12 then
set tempX to (tempX - 12) & "pm" as text
set tempX to tempX & "am" as text
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
if (count of tempX) < 4 then set tempX to " " & tempX as text -- This counts the characters, and adds spaces if below 4
-- This builds string of asterixes for each hour
set GraphString to ""
repeat with y from 1 to theReadingTally
set GraphString to GraphString & "●"
end repeat
-- This add space if number below 10
if (count of GraphString) < 10 then set theReadingTally to " " & theReadingTally as string
-- Build Tally string
set end of TallyString to tempX & " :" & theReadingTally & (ASCII character of 9) & GraphString & return
end repeat
set EndString to "Have a good day."
set the_content to (my SetTheHeading() & ¬
"Total Mail items processed : " & item 1 of TheTally as string) & return & return & ¬
"Since " & theLastMidnight & " (Universal time), we computer processed..." & return & return & ¬
"Total Mail for the period : " & item 2 of TheTally & return & return & ¬
the TallyString & return & return & ¬
set LogoPath to MailPrintingFolder & ":Logo.png"
set LogoPath to POSIX path of LogoPath
on error
set LogoPath to ""
end try
tell application "Mail"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {address:MainMailRecipient, subject:the_subject, attachment:LogoPath, content:the_content}
tell newMessage
set x to offset of TheBusinessName in the_content
set font of characters x thru (x + (count of TheBusinessName)) of content to "Helvetica Bold"
set color of characters x thru (x + (count of TheBusinessName)) of content to {56342, 2442, 607}
set y to offset of "Hour " in the_content
set the size of characters (y + 5) through ((count of the_content) - (count of EndString)) to 14
repeat with x from y to ((count of the_content) - (count of EndString))
if character x of the_content = "●" then
set color of character x of content to {56342, 2442, 607}
end if
end repeat
make new attachment with properties {file name:LogoPath} at before the first paragraph
--make new to recipient with properties {address:MainMailRecipient}
repeat with themailitem in MainMailRecipient
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:themailitem}
end repeat
repeat with themailitem in ReportCCRecepients
make new cc recipient at end of cc recipients with properties {address:themailitem}
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end SendABloodyTally