I've been scratching my head over this for weeks.
I have a script containing this ...
"hdiutil create -type SPARSE -megabytes " & imageSize & " -fs HFS+ -layout NONE " & imagePath & ¬ " -volname " & quoted form of imageName & " -attach -encryption" do shell script the result
It presents the same dialog that you get when you create an encrypted disk image using Disk Utility including the option of using the Password Assistant.
The problem is that I can't copy from Password Assistant and paste into the password dialog. Neither with my script not with Disk Utility. Neither in 10.6.4 nor 10.5.8. (This is dangerous, since it exposes me to typos, which are too easy with nonsense text.)
About three weeks ago I was demonstrating, before a small audience, how to create an encrypted sparsebundle disk image file. I was using someone else's Mac with the latest Snow Leopard. I mentioned that you can't copy & paste, but when I tried to demonstrate this, I was surprised to find that I COULD copy & paste.
Somewhere, there is a very cleverly hidden preference ... or something. I've looked, but found nothing. Does anyone know anything?