Hello all,
The recent discussions regarding script libraries and script servers has reminded me about my longstanding quest to create a true script server.
Currently, I'm loading my shared libraries by mounting a volume via AFP and then using the standard 'load script' command. I would like to test if this is the best way to achieve this.
I want to, if it was possible, use 'load script' to load a script from a remote server, not just from a file reference. Something like (pseudo code)…
So, when a script is run on the user's Mac and needs to load a library, some of the solutions I've thought of so far are… • Copy a .scpt file (via FTP?) to the user's Mac and then use 'load script'. This is basic and I don't thing FTP is particularly quick. • Is there an AppleScriptObjC solution? Does NSAppleScript's initWithContentsOfURL use a local url as apposed to a network url? • What about using Ruby On Rails?* • Or MySql?*
*How would I store a compiled script that Rails or MySql could return? Both can be easily configured to run on Mac OS X Server. I want to avoid having to store the library as a text (in a database) and then having to compile it on the user's Mac as this could be problematic. If I had compiled a library against PhotoShop CS5 and the user only had CS4, wouldn't that bring up the 'where's is…' dialog when compiled on the user's Mac?
Has anyone got any thoughts, pointers or advice?