Hi all,
I've been hunting around for a solution for what seems a popular request on the archives of the mailing list over the years.
How to let PC users drop EPSes in a folder and have them converted to a PDF on the fly?
I am trying to develop an a Stay Open Applescript to watch/monitor folders for new files appearing. (I CAN DO THIS PART EASILY!)
On finding new files it would check that the file is an EPS or PS and if yes convert it to PDF, saving the resulting file in the same directory.
Oh but surely you can just use Folder Actions and attach a script! NOPE I've never had them working from day 1, no matter what I have tried they simply won't work instantaneously and IF they do actually fire up its a random amount of time later... some times minutes. So don't even suggest it. =P
Things I know:
1. Apple's Convert to PDF.scpt in the Printing Scripts folder doesn't work with EPSes. 3. Preview doesn't have an Applescript Dictionary.. which is quite shocking!
And to be quite blunt I don't want to hear any PC solutions because I am posting on a mailing list dedicated to a Mac. ^.^
Perhaps there is a Unix command or other command line tool I can call?
Please give some details rather than 'try this app/command line program'.. give an example call from Applescript.
Any help much appreciated.
Richard Lake Marketing Manager Tel: 0800 158 3898 | Email: email@hidden