I am trying to input data into a text file, with each successive entry on a new line.
I tried both...
" &return" to no avail. Either it wouldn't compile or I got an error code for incompatible data type.
Here's what I have so far...
set PerDiemFile to (path to desktop folder as string) & "PerDiem.txt"
set WorkingFile to open for access file PerDiemFile with write permission
set eof of WorkingFile to 0 -- Overwrites existing file to start from scratch
write pilotName & "'s Pilot Per Diem Logbook " & taxYear & return & return to WorkingFile starting at (get eof WorkingFile)
write city to WorkingFile as string -- what should go here to get it to skip to the next line?
write perdiemItem to WorkingFile as string
write amountForItem to WorkingFile as string -- same question here....how do I get it to skip a line after this input?
It writes the first line of data correctly, skips two lines, but that's the best I can do. After that, all data
is put in a straight line.
Thanks for any help,