Le 4 mai 2010 à 22:09, Mark J. Reed a écrit : The list is too long for the shell command line - it's the echo that's failing, before it ever gets to sort. Try this:
do shell script "sort -n -u <<EOF" & return & (unsortedList as text) & return & "EOF"
If one of the elements of the list might be "EOF", pick a different string for the sentinel...
With EOF same error.
As 10.4 accept ASCII character
I defined the variable sentinel and edited the instruction as :
do shell script "sort -n -u <<" & sentinel & return & (unsortedList as text) & return & sentinel
I tried with set sentinel to ASCII character (1) … set sentinel to ASCII character (7)
and always got the same result. As there is no Unicode character, I will try to import the text in an AppleWorks spreadsheet. Numbers is desesperately slow with such a list. 15 minutes aren't sufficient and after that my patience is gone.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 4 mai 2010 22:36:18