I've been working on a script to convert an emlx file to a pdf file. It uses "CUPS-PDF" which I installed earlier this week. It works, but there's one little problem. The script requires that "Enable access for assistive devices" is checked. Here's the script ...
tell application "System Events" set UIStatus to UI elements enabled set UI elements enabled to true end tell
-- do lots of stuff here, including a couple of lines of UI scripting tell application "System Events" to set UI elements enabled to UIStatus
The user can change "Enable access for assistive devices" manually via the Universal Access pref pane without entering a password. And, if it's already checked, the script above works perfectly.
If it's NOT checked, the problem appears. System Events always asks for a user password when changing UI elements enabled .
There is no reason for System Events to require a password, since the user can make the change manually without one. This is very annoying!
Does anyone know a way around this problem?