@Jon Pugh
The sort is working great with:
set formData to {{"Customer GUID", "Form GUID", "Contact GUID", "Form Type", "Ref No", "Account Number", "Company Name", "Contact Name", "Contact Address", "Email address", "Artwork awaiting Response", "Days no Response", "Special Pricing", "Date"}, {"7C925871-2545-458E-9E1A-F3362F5010BE", "CFB29657-ABBA-4AAC-83CF-F436D1AFE3BE", "2ADC20E6-6AB3-4FD9-B137-BAD34D1B580D", "QT", "", "C0067C", "Conocophillips", "A Name", "An Address[]2nd Line[]3rd Line[]Etc[]", "email@address", "No", "1", "No", ""}, {"7C925871-2545-458E-9E1A-F3362F5010BE", "97A6977D-B0F4-480B-ACA5-9977E7307996", "2CAC23D0-AEF7-4194-AD1C-201B053298A0", "SO", "3111", "C0067C", "Conocophillips", "A Name", "An Address[]2nd Line[]3rd Line[]Etc[]", "aemail@address", "No", "1", "No", ""}, {"059B2178-D55B-4542-A794-0B4079F6B007", "C6484FD1-989C-4DA5-8AF8-161769BB1146", "5734F334-2851-496A-82D0-B6A7658ACA53", "SO", "3112", "B0063C", "Exova", "A Name", "An Address[]2nd Line[]3rd Line[]Etc[]", "email@address", "Yes", "1", "Yes", ""}}
But when I get it to sort the .csv file which contains over 1300+ entries the first row is no longer at the top, but is mixed into the output:
First row / Header row:
"Customer GUID","Form GUID","Contact GUID","Form Type","Ref No","Account Number","Company Name","Contact Name","Contact Address","Email address","Artwork awaiting Response","Days no Response","Special Pricing","Date"
Is there anyway for quickSort (and all them routines I don't comprehend) to ignore the first row/header row and just append that as item 1 at the end of the sort?
Richard Lake Marketing Manager Tel: 0800 158 3898 | Email: email@hidden