I got an annoying behavior .
Under 10.4.11, I used a handler which behaved flawlessly.
Now, as my G5 died, I'm running 10.6.4 on my imac.
The handler fails.
Here it is :
set dest to dossier & nomZip
--> "Macintosh HD:Users:yvankoenig:Desktop:azertyk_20101015-162446.pages.zip"
tell application "System Events"
if exists disk item dest then delete disk item dest
(* worked under 10.4.11 bu fails under 10.6.4 *)
--make new file at end of folder dossier with properties {name:nomZip, kind:"ZIP archive"}
(* under 10.6.4, I tried this syntax but it faills too *)
--make new file at end of folder dossier with properties {name:nomZip, type identifier:"public.zip-archive"}
--> error "Erreur dans System Events : Le gestionnaire AppleEvent a échoué." number -10000
(* Happily, this one does the trick *)
make new file at end of folder dossier with properties {name:nomZip}
end tell
Happily, I may use the version which doesn't define the file kind. The system will behave flawlessly without it.
But I'm wondering why the instruction setting the type identifier fails with the "new" system.
I hope that some one here may bring some light.