-- on run
set droppedItems to (choose file with prompt "Choose an image file:") as list
open (droppedItems)
-- end run
on open (droppedItems)
set destFldr to "Macintosh HD:Users:rpoland:Documents:" & "scaled_picture_folder_Originals:"
-- set destFldr to "iMac_HD:Users:RLP:Documents:" & "scaled_picture_folder_Originals:"
set the text item delimiters of AppleScript to {""}
tell application "Finder"
open destFldr
repeat with aFile in droppedItems
set theFile to (aFile as string)
set theName to the name of file aFile
set destFldr to destFldr & theName
-- display dialog destFldr as string
display dialog theName as string
tell application "GraphicConverter"
open {alias theFile}
-- delay 10
save window 1 in (destFldr as string)
close window 1
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end open