Think I found a big bug in sed or shell scripting in AppleScript.
Copy the code below, run and look at the output.
\n gets appended to the last line of the return string every time this is run.
on run Main() end run
on Main() set myString to "abcdefg" repeat with myIndex from 1 to 100 log the length of myString set myString to SedNuketheFirstCharIfItIsAPeriod(myString) end repeat log the length of myString end Main
on SedNuketheFirstCharIfItIsAPeriod(myText) set mySuffix to "<<<" & quoted form of myText set cmd to "sed 's:^a::'" & mySuffix do shell script cmd without altering line endings return result end SedNuketheFirstCharIfItIsAPeriod
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