I'm already cowering at the idea of posting this, because I already know the answer.. I think..
Is it possible to send a HTML formatted email from Mail.app.
I don't want plugins, I don't want another mail program. and no I don't want GUI scripting :-)
Reason I say that is because this is not for me personally, this is for a workflow situation where I know the users have already been assigned Mail.app to use, and I want it to work natively for robustness (robustness .. can't believe that's a word..!?)
I don't want to rely on a plugin because again, this could mean setting it up on multiple machines, and I don't want the hassle and then also OS changes could break it.
GUI scripting is another thing I'd just not want to have to configure, and I think this is a poor solution for making robust code.
What I've found out.