I’m trying to drive Pages to export documents as Rtf or Rtfd ones. When the documents aren’t embedding graphic objects they are exported as xx.rtf but when graphic objects are embedded, I can’t find the required syntax.
Here is a quick and dirty script which I use to make tests.
--[SCRIPT] set p2d to "" & (path to desktop folder)
set chemin_de_Pages to p2d & "text_and_table.pages" my export_to_rtf(chemin_de_Pages)
set chemin_de_Pages to p2d & "with_graphics.pages" my export_to_rtf(chemin_de_Pages)
on export_to_rtf(chemin_de_Pages) if chemin_de_Pages ends with ":" then set off7 to 2 else set off7 to 1 end if tell application "Pages" open chemin_de_Pages as alias tell document 1 set nbg to count of every graphic set nbt to count of every table end tell if (nbg - nbt) > 0 then set xType to "SLDocumentTypeRichTextBundle" set p_xport to (text 1 thru -off7 of chemin_de_Pages) & ".rtfd" else set xType to "SLDocumentTypeRichText" set p_xport to (text 1 thru -off7 of chemin_de_Pages) & ".rtf" end if try save front document as xType in p_xport on error errMsg number errNbr display dialog errMsg & return & "number #" & errNbr end try close front document saving no end tell -- Pages end export_to_rtf --[/SCRIPT]
When the doc embed graphics, the export to rtfd fails with the error :
error "The document cannot be exported to the \"Document RTF avec pièces jointes (RTFD)\" format." number -50
At this time, I am forced to use GUIscripting to achieve the goal.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 1 février 2011 20:22:44