SpamCop script which worked in Tiger suddenly dropping some attachments in Leopard
SpamCop script which worked in Tiger suddenly dropping some attachments in Leopard
- Subject: SpamCop script which worked in Tiger suddenly dropping some attachments in Leopard
- From: Kok-Yong Tan <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2011 17:58:22 -0500
I picked up a script that basically takes selected spams, processes
them by expanding them with full headers to a folder on my desktop,
attaches each of them to an email and sends them to a quick reporting
address at This used to work fine in Tiger Mail but did
so very slowly. Now that I'm using the same script on Leopard
(10.5.8) Mail, it works much faster (maybe an order of magnitude) but
periodically (not always), it'll drop attachments. By this, I mean
that if there were say, 8, attachments, it'll only attach the first to
the third, drop the fourth to the seventh and attach the eighth to the
email. Usually when Apple Mail is busy downloading new mail but
sometimes when Apple Mail is seemingly idle according to the Activity
window. I then have to manually attach the missing fourth to seventh
attachments. Can anyone tell me why a script that worked perfectly in
Tiger is now behaving like this in Leopard? Can anyone tell me how to
fix it? Since it doesn't crash, it doesn't quite highlight in the
Script Editor debugging window as to what the problem is. I've tried
making it a standalone app as well as adding a delay of 2 to 3 seconds
at the attachment section of the Applescript but neither seems to have
helped. It can occur with 20 emails. It can occur with 5 emails.
The dropouts seem to be very random.
(* SendToSpamCop V1.0
written by S.J.L. v/d Velden
The code below is open source and you may freely edit and
redistribute it.
Though I would appreciate it if you gave credits to the original
author (me).
You have to customize a variable to make this Applescript
work with your SpamCop account.
Below you see the line that begins with "set
SCaccount to..."
Replace the text YOURACCOUNT with the email address
you got from to forward your spam to.
Script further modified by Kok-Yong Tan:
Added capability to clean out attachment processing folder before next
Added a specification for a SENDINGACCOUNT when multiple email
accounts are present in Apple Mail
Added a tally to be inserted into the subject line
set SCaccount to "YOURACCOUNT"
(* Below is the rest of the sourcecode of the Applescript.
Please be very careful when editing this code *)
-- Create a SpamCop folder on the desktop
set theOutputFolderPath to path to desktop folder
set theNewFolderName to "SpamCop"
tell application "Finder"
if (exists folder (theOutputFolderPath & theNewFolderName as string))
= false then
make new folder at desktop with properties {name:theNewFolderName}
delete every item of folder (theOutputFolderPath & theNewFolderName
as string)
end if
end tell
-- Create a new message in mail addressed to the users SpamCop
account. Read the source from the selected messages in mail and save
it as SpamCop readable file in the newly created SpamCop folder. Then
attach each file to the new message.
tell application "Mail"
set theMessages to the selection
set counter to 0
set totalSize to 0
set theMessage to (make new outgoing message with properties
{visible:true, content:" ", sender:"SENDINGACCOUNT"})
repeat with thisMessage in theMessages
set counter to counter + 1
set sourceFile to ((theOutputFolderPath & theNewFolderName as
string) & ":ml" & counter & ".src")
set thisSource to the source of thisMessage as string
set totalSize to totalSize + (message size of thisMessage)
set f to open for access sourceFile with write permission
set eof of f to 0
write thisSource to f
close access f
tell "Finder"
set theAttachment to sourceFile as alias
end tell
tell the theMessage
tell content
make new attachment with properties {file name:theAttachment} at
after last character
end tell
end tell
delete thisMessage
end repeat
-- Address it at the end just in case script crashes midway so
there'll be some indication and add a tally of junk being reported
tell theMessage
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties
set subject of theMessage to ((counter) & " junk item(s) being
submitted for processing; total size is around " & (round (totalSize /
1024)) & "KB" as string)
end tell
end tell
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