On Jan 14, 2011, I asked: I just found this line of code in a script ...
if (class of acntDir) = «class furl» then -- true in Leopard
but, I don't remember what «class furl» is. And I need to know.
First, the complete code, in a 'tell application "Mail"' block, is ...
try get account of mbox set acnt to the result -- pop OK; "On My Mac" fails; imap Sent, Trash, Junk and Drafts fail. -- set acntDir to (account directory of acnt) -- OnMyMac errors; imap errors except inbox and TEST; pop OK. -- test this on Tiger --??? errors here for imap account. pop account OK. if (class of acntDir) = «class furl» then -- true in Leopard set acntDir to acntDir as text else -- in Tiger, acntDir is a text posix path set acntDir to ((POSIX file acntDir) as alias) as text end if -- -- set noAccount to false on error set acntDir to ((path to library folder from user domain) as text) & "Mail:Mailboxes:" set suffix to ".mbox" set noAccount to true end try
«class furl» is a file reference of the form ...
file "colon:delimited:text:path:"
But, when I ask ...
class of (file "colon:delimited:text:path:")
I get «class fsrf» . There must be some connection between these classes.
My application no longer supports Tiger, so I removed «class furl» and simplified the code. The question is now irrelevant.