Can I right a simple script to set the QuickTime Player 7 preference that would turn the "Show Content Guide automatically" off?
Unfortunately, the default setting is checked and I need to change it under any user's network account that will access the script. The reason is that I created a script to record students doing public speaking presentations. It works well but if the QuickTime Player preference is checked to "Show Content Guide automatically", it breaks the script because I cannot access the recording window as the "front document". I've tried various things to access the document with no luck.
on RecordVideo()
set recordingPrompt to ""
tell application "QuickTime Player 7"
with timeout of 7200 seconds
delay 5
new movie recording
start front document --Window is visible now so start the recording
-- Next, display the dialog box that terminates recording
set recordingPrompt to "RECORDING TO " & flashDrive & ¬
" HAS BEGUN!" & return & return & "When finished recording click SAVE"
set dialogAlert to display alert recordingPrompt buttons {"Save"} default button "Save"
if button returned of dialogAlert is "Save" then ¬
stop front document --Stop the recording because the SAVE button was clicked
close front document --Closing the window now that the recording is done
quit --Quit QuickTime and return to the script
end timeout
end tell
end RecordVideo