set phonetics to {{"A", "Alpha"}, {"B", "Bravo"}, {"C", "Charlie"}, {"D", "Delta"}, {"E", "Echo"}, {"F", "Foxtrot"}, {"G", "Golf"}, {"H", "Hotel"}, {"I", "India"}, {"J", "Juliet"}, {"K", "Kilo"}, {"L", "Lima"}, {"M", "Mike"}, {"N", "November"}, {"O", "Oscar"}, {"P", "Papa"}, {"Q", "Quebec"}, {"R", "Romeo"}, {"S", "Sierra"}, {"T", "Tango"}, {"U", "Uniform"}, {"V", "Victor"}, {"W", "Whiskey"}, {"X", "X-Ray"}, {"Y", "Yankee"}, {"Z", "Zulu"}}
tell application "Database Events"
set theDatabase to make new database with properties {name:"Phonetics"}
tell theDatabase
repeat with aPair in phonetics
set theRecord to make new record with properties {name:item 1 of aPair}
tell theRecord
make new field with properties {name:"Pronunciation", value:item 2 of aPair}
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell
tell application "Database Events"
get record 1 of database "Phonetics" whose name = "F"
--> record id 317594819 of database "Phonetics"
get value of field "Pronunciation" of record id 317594819 of database "Phonetics"
--> "Foxtrot"
end tell