I've posted this to 24U Software support, but I am wondering if anyone else has run into this problem...
I'm trying to use 24U Appearance in Snow Leopard in a script (.scpt), not an application to drop down from a script menu. I've read that I can call the script with an architecture flag to force it to run in 32-bit mode since the 24U Appearance OSAX is
not 64-bit compatible. However, a sample script saved to my desktop as test.scpt:
set fileSettings to display better dialog ¬
"Please select:" fields ¬
{{kind:popup menu, name:"Version:", field menu items:{"1", "2", "3"}, field value:"2"} ¬
} buttons {"OK", "Cancel"} cancel button 2
And run from a shell as:
arch -i386 osascript ~/Desktop/test.scpt
Gives me an error of:
execution error: No user interaction allowed. (-1713)
Is it possible to run compiled scripts utilizing the 24U Appearance OSAX from the script menu, or do the scripts have to be compiled as an application and forced to run in 32-bit mode?
Alternatively, is there any other options for OSAX for building progress bars and dialog boxes directly out of Applescripts (not getting into the whole Applescript Studio and Interface Builder)?