on run
end run
on main()
set DateString to current date
set DateString to date string of DateString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
set DateString to DateString's text items 2 thru 3 as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set index1Flag to false
tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
if not (window 1 exists) then
tell window 1
if (name of window 1) contains "index1.html" then set index1Flag to true
-- Initialize lists
if not index1Flag then
set searchList to {"pictures/", "thumbs/", "JPG"}
set replaceList to {"/photo/pictures/", "/photo/thumbs/", "jpg"}
set searchList to {"pictures/", "thumbs/", "]PG"}
set replaceList to {"/photo/pictures1/", "/photo/thumbs1/", "jpg"}
end if
tell window 1
repeat with x from 1 to the number of items in replaceList
replace replacing with item x in replaceList looking for item x in searchList with cases matching and whole words matching
end repeat
-- html replacement string
replace looking for "<body>" replacing with "<body><center><h1 class=title>" & DateString & "</h1></center>"
replace looking for "<h1 class=title></h1>" replacing with ""
replace looking for "<td width=\"576\" colspan=\"3\" />" replacing with "<td width=\"576\" colspan=\"3\">"
end tell
end tell
ignoring application responses
do shell script "say -v Alex " & "The replacing has ben completed. You should save the new file now."
-- say "The replacing has ben compleeted. You should save the new file now."
end ignoring
display dialog "Ok to save?" buttons {"OK", "No"} default button 1
if text of button returned of result = "No" then
tell application "Tex-Edit Plus" to activate
select window 1
tell application "Tex-Edit Plus" to close window 1 saving yes
end if
end if
end tell
end main