In a previous question ("Mail in Lion"), I asked about the new .mbox format, namely,
I haven't found any info about this, but I did solve my problem getting a file alias from a message. I had to use ...
tell application "Finder" some file of entire contents of mboxAlias whose name is msgFileName
where mboxAlias is an alias to the mailboxName.mbox folder and msgFileName is file name in the form "nnnn.emlx" where nnnn is the id of the message. It very neatly digs down thru <uuid>:Data:Messages: to get the file I need without knowing the <uuid>.
There has been some commentary over the past few years that entire contents is slow. I have tested this, but only on a single message, not yet with a mailbox full of messages.
Perhaps someone has developed some experience with entire contents in Lion over the past week. Any opinion?