# Find Handler -- Satimage.osax MODIFIED 2010-09-25 : 00:00
on fnd(findStr, dataSource, caseSensitive, allOccurrences, stringResult)
set findResult to find text findStr in dataSource ¬
case sensitive caseSensitive ¬
all occurrences allOccurrences ¬
string result stringResult ¬
with regexp
return findResult
on error
return false
end try
end fnd
set str to "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."
set foundString to fnd("[Na]+", str, true, true, true)
set stringCount to length of foundString
--> 3
I've turned case-sensitive on in the handler.
The brackets indicate a range:
[a-z] == lowercase letters
[A-Z] == uppercase letters
[0-9] == numbers
[aA17xY] == miscellaneous
[[:punct:]] == punctuation
[!.,] == partial punctuation
The Satimage.osax's default regular _expression_ syntax is Ruby, and this is a pretty good albeit incomplete guide:
Holler at me if you need any help with syntax.