On May 06, 2011, at 16:35, Robert Poland wrote: I don't see any effect to the kind column. I'm trying to get rid of it.
Hey Bob,
Now that I think about it this aspect of the Finder is buggier than the swarm.
tell application "Finder" tell list view options of Finder window 1 set sort column to modification date column set sort direction of column id modification date column to reversed end tell end tell
tell application "Finder" tell list view options of Finder window 1 set sort column to name column set sort direction of column id name column to normal end tell end tell
These two work and a couple of other columns.
Setting visible doesn't seem to work at all.
Reversing the sort works but takes some fiddling to get the window to refresh.
Trying to sort on the 'Kind' column when it is already visible fails with an error that says the column must be visible to sort on it.
Buggy... Irritating isn't it.
BTW: This aspect of the Finder is recordable. That doesn't mean what you record will work, however you can pick up the syntax that way.
-- Best Regards, Chris