I have a question about how to mount a laptop, connected wirelessly to my local network, on my desktop computer via Applescript.
I'm currently doing this manually.
1) Select "Connect to server" menu item of "go" menu 2) Click "Browse", pick laptop, click "connect" 3) Click "connect" on dialog (User Name and password are in Keychain) 4) select volume to mount, click "ok"
Looking at AS User's Guide, I should be able to use the "mount volume" command.
I've tried several versions and none work.
I have tried:
error is "System Events got an error: Disk jim wasn't found."
2) tell application "System Events" to mount volume "jim" on server "smp://Living-Hope-Churchs-MacBook.local."
error is "System Events got an error: Disk jim wasn't found."
3) tell application "System Events" to mount volume "/Macintosh HD/Users/jim" on server "smp://Living-Hope-Churchs-MacBook.local."
error is "System Events got an error: Disk /Macintosh HD/Users/jim wasn't found."
4) tell application "System Events" to mount volume "jim" on server "smp://Living-Hope-Churchs-MacBook"
error is "System Events got an error: Disk jim wasn't found."
5) tell application "System Events" to mount volume "/Macintosh HD/Users/jim" on server "smp://Living-Hope-Churchs-MacBook"
error is "System Events got an error: Disk /Macintosh HD/Users/jim wasn't found."
So, my question is: what should the combination of disk name and server name be?
If it matters: The laptop is Intel running 10.6.6 The desktop is a PowerPC G4 running 10.4.11
I want the script to run on the desktop machine. Once I get past this hurdle I need to sync several folders between the two machines.