On Nov 5, 2011, at 10:20 AM, wayne melrose wrote: On Nov 5, 2011, at 5:13 PM, KOENIG Yvan wrote: but in fact I don't understand your problem.
Given the bare script :
set theColorList to {"0-none", "1-orange", "2-red", "3-yellow", "4-blue", "5-purple", "6-green", "7-gray"} set theDefaultChoice to "0-none" -- point #1 set theChoice to choose from list theColorList default items theDefaultChoice with title "Color" -- point #2
If you press escape, you will exit silently If you wait too much, you will get an error message claiming that the waited event took too much time to apply. You will reach the point #2 only if you press return.
I'm also having trouble understanding what your goal is and why you'd need a loop?
Also, I don't understand why you would present the user with the indexes for each colour? (looks ugly) Why not just display the colour, then, if you need the index for something later in your script, you could derive it from the result
set theColorList to {"none", "orange", "red", "yellow", "blue", "purple", "green", "gray"} set theDefaultChoice to "none"
set {theChoice} to choose from list theColorList default items theDefaultChoice with title "Color" as string
set x to 0 repeat with strColour in theColorList log strColour as string if theChoice is (strColour as string) then set intIndex to x exit repeat end if set x to x + 1 end repeat
return {intIndex, theChoice} _____________________
With the numbers I can select any color by picking a number. Without I can pick any color, EXCEPT gray by choosing the first letter, I must type the first three letters to get gray.
Robert Poland - Fort Collins, CO