I have a script that I've been using for over 3 or 4 years to burn data to a DVD. It has proved to be very reliable and has not failed once during that time. The code is ...
set imagePath to (quoted form of (POSIX path of itemRef)) -- posix path to a .sparsebundle file "drutil -drive " & driveNr & " burn -noappendable " & imagePath set burnpid to do shell script the result & " &> /dev/null & echo $!" On 29 Oct it failed. The burned DVD was unreadable. It failed again on 5 Nov. I have had to use Disk Utility to burn DVD's. I have modified the code a bit ...
set imagePath to (quoted form of (POSIX path of itemRef)) -- posix path to a .sparsebundle file "drutil -drive " & driveNr & " burn -mount " & imagePath set burnpid to do shell script the result & " &> /dev/null & echo $!"
but it still burns coasters.
I don't think it's a hardware problem, since I have both internal and external burners and get bad burns with both.
I don't think it's a system problem. I'm currently using 10.6.8, but I tried burning in 10.5.8 and was not successful.
I have looked at the media with my "Inspect" script and the bad DVD's report "A background format was started but is not currently running and is not complete." After a complete erase of a bad DVD+RW, this message becomes "Background formatting has completed."
Disk Utility has no problem burning to a DVD+R disk.
I have not yet tried burning directly from Terminal.
I've run out of ideas about what may be causing this problem. Perhaps someone with some experience with optical media will see something I've overlooked. Any ideas?