RE: INDESIGN: Updating Links Not Working
RE: INDESIGN: Updating Links Not Working
- Subject: RE: INDESIGN: Updating Links Not Working
- From: Rick Gordon <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 13:06:17 -0700
Shirley Hopkins pointed me in the right direction by noting that it was apparently an idiosyncrasy with exiftool, and to resolve it by initiating a separate session with the document to update the links.
On 9/2/11 at 2:27 PM -0700, Rick Gordon wrote in a message entitled
"INDESIGN: Updating Links Not Working":
>I'm working on this script to add metadata to images in a series of InDesign files. Working on a stub file for a single document, it's al working except that my links are not being updated. Towards the bottom of this script, I tell the item link to update, and receive no error, but the document still shows the links as modified.
>If I get properties on a given image link after processing it, I get {edited:false, status:link out of date} as pertinent properties.
>What's my problem here?
>Rick Gordon
>set vBookName to "Tiny Homes"
>set vBookAcronym to "TH"
>set vSectionName to ""
>tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
> set vApp to it
> set user interaction level of script preferences to never interact
> tell document 1
> set vDoc to it
> set vFileName to name
> set vDocFilePath to POSIX path of (((file path as text) & name as text) as alias)
> set vShortName to (characters 5 thru -6 of vFileName) as text
> set vSpecificIndex to (characters 1 thru 3 of vFileName) as text
> set vSectionIndex to character 1 of vFileName & "00"
> if vSectionIndex is "100" then
> set vSectionName to "Frontmatter"
> else if vSectionIndex is "200" then
> set vSectionName to "On Foundations"
> else if vSectionIndex is "300" then
> set vSectionName to "On Wheels"
> else if vSectionIndex is "400" then
> set vSectionName to "By Architects"
> else if vSectionIndex is "500" then
> set vSectionName to "Prefabs & Kits"
> else if vSectionIndex is "600" then
> set vSectionName to "Earthy Materials"
> else if vSectionIndex is "700" then
> set vSectionName to "Treehouses"
> else if vSectionIndex is "800" then
> set vSectionName to "On the Road"
> else if vSectionIndex is "800" then
> set vSectionName to "On the Water"
> else if vSectionIndex is "900" then
> set vSectionName to "Backmatter"
> end if
> set VImageList to (item link of all graphics) as list
> repeat with vItem in VImageList
> set vImageFilePath to POSIX path of ((file path of vItem) as alias)
> set vImageCommand to "exiftool -keywords+=\"" & vBookName & "\" " & ¬
> "-keywords+=\"" & vBookAcronym & "\" " & ¬
> "-keywords+=\"" & vFileName & "\" " & ¬
> "-keywords+=\"" & vShortName & "\" " & ¬
> "-keywords+=\"" & vSpecificIndex & "\" " & ¬
> "-keywords+=\"" & vSectionIndex & "\" " & ¬
> "-keywords+=\"" & vSectionName & "\" \"" & vImageFilePath & "\""
> do shell script vImageCommand
> tell vItem to update
> end repeat
> save
> close
> end tell
>end tell
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